Monday, January 14, 2008

An Ah-Ha, Oh No Minute!

Has this ever happened to you?
Your going about your day doing your normal routine or schedule and you have one of those pivotal moments when suddenly you realize you have turned into your MOTHER!
Well it just so happens i just did.
apparently i have inherited my mothers frugality. For a year or two i have been saving old Shampoo bottles, propped upside down so that one day i could empty all that i couldn't get out before into one bottle. as i was using my finger as a Spatula inside the bottle as not to waste a thing it HIT me I AM MY MOTHER! now i think to my self was saving those bottles for all those years really worth a quarter of a bottle in shampoo. I'm still not sure! maybe if you have some in site that might help me to change my deppressionistic ways? i guess being like my Mother isn't all that bad!


Brits said...

That's so funny! Thankfully I haven't turned into my mom yet, but if you ever see me wearing a homemade, sequined Christmas vest in July - you'll know that I have. :)

Melissa said...

Ha ha ha! That is hilarious Andrea! Your mother would be so proud! I'm sure I've turned into my mom, too - I just haven't had an "ah-Ha!" moment yet.

PS - I'm excited to see you this weekend!